This week's Q & A

Rädd att han är otrogen

Q: Hejsan! Vilken intressant blogg!
Jag har problem i relationen med min sambo sedan 5 år. Jag kollar honom hela tiden, vad han gör, hans meil och samtalslistor (är rädd att han är otrogen). Han säger att han inte orkar med min ogrundade misstänksamhet .

Vet inte om detta har att gjöra med att min pappa bedrog min mamma ständigt under deras 30-åriga äktenskap. Hoppas på råd och eventuell hjälp. TACK!

Hej Anna,

The modern era of cell phones and computer systems that hold carry information for long periods of time has led to many a relationship downfall. You are in a long term relationship, congratulations you and he have been doing something successful. Now we can discuss the differences between appropriate behavior in a long term relationship versus early on (<6months) in a relationship.
In marital therapy, I often liken the process of building a long-term relationship to that of a house. Trust is a core foundation of the house similar. It should be built and tested early in the relationship, well before there is love, before there is sex, and certainly before there is co-dependency. In most cases, it should take many hours spent together over months to build trust. Once trust is earned and given, it should not be questioned except in the most obvious situations of infidelity or other lying. As you are both working on the walls of the relationship (years 1-3), it is destructive to constantly go about testing the foundation. As my wife once said, "you have to trust the process".
Five years into a relationship, most healthy relationships have moved well beyond building. The roof has been placed on the house and you both have what you have created together. Of course, relationships forever may be tested and there is constant maintenance. Some times relationships are so severely tested that individuals must rebuild or even break up.
There are any number of reasons behind why you do the things you do but they will not unlock the secret behind creating a good relationship today. Yes, it could easily relate to your family experience. My guess is that on occasion you find things that are semi-concerning but easily explainable and never cause enough to actually break up. Your spying becomes like playing a gambling slot machine that you just can't get off of. You must realize that by constantly checking on your boyfriend you are constantly undermining your relationship! The belief and acceptance of this will likely allow you to stop yourself. And you must stop immediately, "cold turkey".
I will say from clinical experiences (and personal ones) if you go looking it is very normal to find things that you do not like that are essentially harmless. Looking into cell phones and emails is not unlike looking into another's diary. In any long term relationship, each individual presents a "front" or "side" of themselves to the other. This is an important part of love, romance, etc. That is not to say people lie in relationships. For example, I may talk and act like a different person around my wife versus my co-workers versus my patients versus my friends at the beach. This is normal and appropriate. An individual has many facets. You should have the trust to let your loved one be free to show all facets of his/her personality to the world.
Remind yourself that mistrust and jealousy actually lead people to be less faithful. By constantly mistrusting, you may create your own nightmare. Loved ones tend to carry out your predetermined expectations of their behavior. It is as if you are constantly reminding him "I date you, but you are untrustworthy". Eventually he may just make you right.
If you are unable to give the gift of basic trust, a thing that should have been earned in the first year, then it is time to live alone for a while and work on yourself. That way you may one day live in a happy home:))......Dr. Lacy

Det ar svårt for mig att veta om dina misstankar är helt ogrundade eller om din sambo faktiskt har varit otrogen tidigare (if so, borde du har lämnat honom tidigare) eller att du har hittat olämpliga mail, samtal mm. Om din misstänksamhet är helt ogrundad tycker jag att du ska gå och prata med ngn om dina tidigare problem och inte lägga dom på din sambo och er relation. Kom ihåg, din pappa och din sambo ar två helt olika individer. LYCKA TILL!
/ Charlotte

Ok att ta antidepressivamediciner livet ut?

Hej! Jag är tjej och snart 27 år. Hittade er blogg via google. Har av och till ätit antidepressivamediciner i snart 7 år. Är detta normalt? Ska jag räkna med att äta dessa mediciner livet ut? Jag är så trött på att vara trött. Vill må bra igen.

Thank you for your blog. It is our first Question!!! Unfortunately, I can not answer the question "Am I normal" without meeting you socially. Who is normal really? We are all individuals. I can say that it is very common (and appropriate practice) for patients with recurring depression to be on antidepressants for many years. This may be appropriate for several reasons. First, Major Depressive Disorder is often a recurring condition that is life long. The natural course of the disorder is depressive periods lasting months to years followed by periods of "normal mood". This cycle may continue throughout one's life. Only the future can say whether this will be the case for you. Many patients also go into remission and never face another bout of depression even without meds. Second, today's antidepressants (SSRI's) are very safe in long term studies. Other than stigma, there is very, very little risk of long term side effects associated with today's antidepressant. In fact, antidepressants are safer to use long term than most over the counter medications. There is some evidence that they reduce the risk of heart disease as well. So, when you compare the benefits to the risks (the risk benefit ratio) long term use of antidepressants is much more beneficial than facing recurrent bouts of untreated depression. While the meds do not usually cause full symptom remittance, they do generally decrease severity and length of depressive episodes.

Current guidelines for antidepressant use in recurrent depression: 1) first depressive episode (unless severe with psychosis) treat for 6 months to one year and take off meds. 2) second depressive episode (unless severe with suicidal acts or psychosis) treat for 3 to 5 years. Some clinicians treat second depressive episode with antidepressants including lifelong maintenance antidepressants once symptoms improve 3) third depressive episode- recommendation for treatment followed by lifelong maintenance or prophylactic antidepressant treatment. I also like to attempt to slowly taper patients off of medication after every 2-3 years of stability if possible.

For many, the feeling of happiness is fleeting. The good news is that the natural course of depression is a waxing/waning condition that comes and goes with time. The average depressive episode (untreated) will last 6-18 months. In time, you will always find happiness again. -Dr. Lacy


Först och främst, välkommen till oss!
Bra svar! Hoppas ovanstående hjälper dig. Måste bara säga att jag ar lite skeptiskt till sjukvårdens syn på antidepressiv medicinering, vilket verkar tas till vid alla typer av psykisk ohälsa. Jag säger inte att antidepressiv medicin är av ondo. Det ar jättebra att det finns för dom som verkligen behöver den. Jag anser att ett visst mått av sorger och kriser är normalt, något som drabbar oss alla, en svacka som vi kommer att gå ur stärkta; allt borde inte medicineras bort. Tror att det ar viktigt att försöka hitta ( och bota) orsaken till den psykiska ohälsan och låta hjärnans kemi arbeta i fred. Lycka till
- Charlotte

Thank you Dr Lacy for your answer to my question. I feel better now knowing that taking medication for life is rather safe. hope I can stop and feel happy without it but if not I will continue using antidepressants. hope to get my energy back soon.

Tack för en underbar blogg!

P.S Charlotte, jag är en av dom som verkligen behöver medicin men jag tycker också att det är viktigt att bearbeta mina problem och inte bara ignorera orsaken till min depression. Tack!

Postat av: mia

2008-11-19 @ 22:55:05
Postat av: mia

oj.. tänkte bara skriva vad spännande! Denna "blogg" kommer jag följa :)

2008-11-19 @ 22:55:53
Postat av: Anonym

Hej! hittade hit via josefine, vilken annorlunda och vettig blogg ni har skapat. Hoppas den kommer gå bra. Har ingen fråga utan ville bara önska lycka till. Ps: "bloggmottagningen" inte "blogg mottagningen" =)

2008-11-19 @ 22:56:31
Postat av: Anonym

dummern över som va tvungen att rätta er borde gå och lägga sig...

er blogg lär bli en hit... ge inte upp för tidigt bara =)

2008-11-19 @ 23:08:00
Postat av: Charlotte Lacy

Va roligt att ni hittat hit! Vi finns har for att kunna hjalpa till sa fråga garna om ni har ngr funderingar. Min man har jobbat inom psykiatrin manga ar och han alskar verkligen att kunna hjalpa andra.

Hoppas ni har en fin kvall!

2008-11-20 @ 01:17:42
Postat av: Charlotte Lacy

efter att jag bott i USA 6 1/2 ar kan jag ibland glomma att vissa ord sitter ihop. Bloggmottagningen. Tack!

2008-11-20 @ 01:19:20
Postat av: Josefine

Shit 6,5 år. Darling det är galet!

Älskar er, hälsa B och B!


2008-11-20 @ 07:00:34
Postat av: Tina

Men titta!! Hemsidan är igång. Hade missat det totalt!! Hittade oxå hit via Jossans blogg. Jag har inte hunnit läsa nåt än (är på jobbet), men ska göra det när det finns lite tid.

Jag såg att ni två skypat, eller vad det kallas. Va tufft!! Å roligt att få se Benji in action. VILL OXÅ!! Du måste nog förklara för mig hur man gör!!

Ja, vill du och Ben ha en "försökskanin" så har ni ju alltid mig =) Haha!! Men jag tror tyvärr jag är ett hopplöst fall :P

Hoppas du får en bra dag!!

En stor kram Tina

2008-11-20 @ 10:29:19
Postat av: Michelle

Kanske inte så smart att starta en blogg om man aldrig har tid med den..

2008-12-05 @ 16:41:49

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