Q & A/ Barnuppfostran
Hur kan jag hjälpa mitt barn att utveckla en god självkänsla?
Min dotter fyller snart 8 år. Tack på förhand ;)
Development (and maintenance ) of self esteem starts from a very young age and continues on into adulthood. By the time a child is latency age (5-9) much of the groundwork has already been laid down by parents and peers become increasingly more involved in one's self esteem.
Most adolescents have many struggles with self-esteem as they begin to obtain the cognitive ability to become more introspective and developmentally prepare for life on their own. It is very helpful for parents to understand child development in order to better assess their child's abilities and balance the parental need to be both supportive (nurturing) and demanding (increasing responsibility and accomplishments).
When discussing "self esteem" I think it helps to define two separate aspects. 1) self esteem 2) confidence. Many use these terms interchangeably but they are not one in the same.
1. Self-esteem = one's own inner feelings about themselves, their abilities, their attributes and their worth. The ability to feel good about one's self. LOVE
In general, when a person feels they are loved, liked, and cared for by those around them (friends, family, even acqaintances) they will develop growing self-esteem. "I am worthwhile". On the other hand, when a person feels unloved or rejected they will have diminishing self-esteem. "My boyfriend left me for another girl and I feel so ugly."
2. Confidence= the outward projection of behaviors, attitudes, appearances, and abilities. The ability to take on new challenges and appear capable to others. COMPETENCY
In general, when a person meets new challenges successfully they will develop growing confidence. "I always new that I could be famous". On the other hand, when a person is too anxious to bother taking new challenges or tries things too difficult resulting in failures they will have diminished confidence. "My mom never let me ride my bike outside the yard because she said it was too dangerous."
Parents should find ways to always remain fond of their children. Unconditional love (or the next best thing). Encourage relationships that enhance the love/adoration that is recieved. Discourage those that appear problematic or emotionally abusive.
Parents should struggle to find the right balance of pressing their child to "go for it" when there is a good chance for success and not be overly anxious about their child's ability/safety. At the same time, parents should avoid exaggerating pressure in areas the child is either unlikely to accomplish or has no desire or gain in accomplishing. With parental guidance and knowledge of a child's abilities, achievements and failures should appear more like a well balanced gungbräda. than an erratic one in which there is high risk of injury...Dr. Lacy
Charlotte:Jag tror barn behöver mycket stöd och kontakt med sina föräldrar för att utveckla en bra självkänsla. Detta genom att finnas dar med hjälp och stöd när det behövs, respektera barnets personliga integritet, erbjuda ditt barn tid tillsammans med dig varje dag, ( läsa en saga...) försök att förstå varför barnet känner olika känslor, och visa att du förstår, ge ditt barn friheten att utveckla en känsla av att han/hon kan klara av vad som helst bara viljan finns där, och uppskatta barnets uttryck för skapande tänkande och personlig problemlösning. Lycka till
Tack för era råd! Vi gör alltid vårt bästa för att stärka vår dotter's självkänsla men det känns inte som det hjälper. Jag ska pröva era råd.
Tack så hemskt mycket!!
Jag hoppas att du fortsätter med att skriva nya inlägg till din sida - den har verkligen potential :D!